Farida Contractor

About Farida Contractor

Farida Contractor oversees Information Technology (IT) and software development solutions. Her responsibilities include developing web-based/smart phone tools and ensuring compliance with confidentially acts. Farida has more than 25 years of experience leading and implementing a multitude of large IT and software development projects.

The wave of Natural Language Processing in Business Intelligence

As this world witnesses the fastest progress in the automation industry, there’s only more exhilarating developments waiting for us to be discovered. With a galore of technological advancements, Natural Language Processing brings in a great amount of potential to Business Intelligence. NLP, also known as computational linguistics, is a technology that uses a combination of [...]

By |2024-02-07T10:08:03-08:00October 18th, 2020|Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare, Start-up, Technology, Uncategorized|Comments Off on The wave of Natural Language Processing in Business Intelligence

Advancing Digitalization in the Healthcare Industry

Retracing steps from the 17th century, automation technology has come a long way. There have been systems with automatic control devised for various functions such as steam engines, temperature control, and many more. Its acceptance in the healthcare industry has been especially commendable for saving costs, labor, and even lives. While Advancement of Digitalization [...]

By |2024-02-05T02:18:05-08:00October 7th, 2020|Digital Security, Healthcare|Comments Off on Advancing Digitalization in the Healthcare Industry

Easy way to streamline your business in this pandemic time

It all changed leaving us amazed. Organization facing difficulties in streamlining their businesses post pandemic. Nobody has predicted anything about the current situation. Uncertainty is the only sure aspect as it seems nowadays. Many of the businesses got affected worldwide. Businessmen and company owners along with their employees go through tremendous confusion. And it's [...]

By |2024-02-05T02:17:57-08:00September 1st, 2020|e commerce web solution, Start-up, Technology, Web Design|Comments Off on Easy way to streamline your business in this pandemic time

5 Big Industries ready to thrive in the Post-Pandemic World

Worldwide human and financial crisis due to the novel coronavirus has brought many businesses down on their knees. Pause and think for a moment. What change COVID-19 pandemic has brought upon you? Lifestyle, office work-culture, eating practices, life approach, and even your habits, right?   Work from home is the new normal now. Industries are [...]

By |2024-02-05T02:17:52-08:00August 27th, 2020|e commerce web solution, Technology|Comments Off on 5 Big Industries ready to thrive in the Post-Pandemic World

How to make an On-demand Food Delivery App, like Zomato, UberEats and GrubHub?

On-Demand food delivery app businesses are thriving even in this COVID-19 pandemic. Food lovers can now choose and order food of their preference on the GO. If your made is on leave, or you are planning a house party, these apps come handy and accessible. The market is hot for [...]

By |2024-02-05T02:17:43-08:00August 13th, 2020|Technology|Comments Off on How to make an On-demand Food Delivery App, like Zomato, UberEats and GrubHub?

How can Technology help you to maintain Social Distancing?

How can Technology help you to maintain Social Distancing? As we huddle over solutions to defeat COVID 19, the businesses are looking up to technology to aid them. Social distancing is the new normal. Video conferencing, work from home, temperature testing has become a norm. The Government took steps, now it’s your [...]

By |2024-02-05T02:17:37-08:00July 23rd, 2020|Technology|Comments Off on How can Technology help you to maintain Social Distancing?

Digital Security in Healthcare – Plan for Alarming Concerns of this Decade

There is nothing more important than your health, and there is nothing more private than your health care information. Imagine all of the personal information your health care provider has about you. Identifying details such as your home address and tax ID Even more sensitive information like your age weight their medical condition And [...]

By |2024-02-05T02:17:27-08:00July 6th, 2020|Digital Security, Healthcare|Comments Off on Digital Security in Healthcare – Plan for Alarming Concerns of this Decade

How Start-ups are made easy by Custom Software Development with Streamline?

Startups and their way of doing business evolve to adopt the latest trends as favoured by their customers. Of course, they have the advantage of starting from scratch and building IT infrastructure that is up-to-date. But they need to survive the competition from big giants with extensive operating experience, and favour-ism of customers, built [...]

By |2024-02-07T10:04:39-08:00June 23rd, 2020|Start-up|1 Comment
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